EAP Program Seminar – Communicating Energy from Public to Policy

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Room 1115 Wisconsin Energy Institute
@ 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

Students in the Energy Analysis and Policy (EAP) graduate certificate program are invited to enroll in a 1-credit seminar each Fall semester. The goal of this seminar is to bring together EAP students and faculty, as well as alums and colleagues in related programs, to discuss topics related to conducting energy analysis in the real world. Typically 1-2 people lead each discussion, with the option to bring in guest speakers.

For Fall 2018, the theme will focus on communication.

Env. Studies 900 (Section 002) – Communicating Energy from Public to Policy
(Course guide lists title as “Professional Skills in Energy Analysis and Policy”)

The seminar consists of two components:

  • Participation in the EAP-hosted day-long seminar on August 21 (register ASAP here https://sharingscience.agu.org/from-public-to-policy-communicating-science-effectively-to-diverse-audiences/)
  • Attendance at an every-other week seminar through the semester to discuss communication strategies, skills, and application for research and careers in energy (seminar will meet Thursdays 12:15 – 1:15, every other week starting 9/13 in Room 1115, Wisconsin Energy Institute).

For students who cannot attend the Aug 21 seminar (seats are limited), an alternate communications project or supplementary group meetings can be substituted.

Participation in the Fall EAP seminars have been very productive and enjoyable, and we are excited for this year’s focus on communication. A syllabus and semester plan will be developed at the first meeting on 9/13. For questions, please contact EAP Coordinator Scott Williams.