Join the Energy Analysis & Policy program inside the Rathskeller because of rain at the Memorial Union on Wednesday, July 14 at 5–7pm. RSVPs are not required, but you can let us know if you plan to attend using this form.
A lot has happened since we last gathered in person, including EAP’s 40th anniversary and welcoming the largest group of students in the program yet (50 current students!) in 2020. We hope to see you to celebrate the program’s successes and each of you as part of the EAP community!
What: An opportunity to meet and reconnect with EAP students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends
When: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at 5–7pm CDT
Where: Memorial Union Terrace (Keep an eye out for table signs that say “EAP” when you arrive. In the event of rain, look for us inside the Rathskeller)
If you are outside of Madison, there are other ways you can connect with EAP from wherever you are. Send an email to EAP Engagement Coordinator Colleen Schmit to learn more.