IIASA/UW-Madison Energy & Climate Webinar: What Happened at COP26 and Why It Matters

At the the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), world leaders reached a new global agreement on climate action following two weeks of negotiations. Additionally, several countries, private funders, and NGOs made new pledges …

EAP Awards Early 2021 Student Scholarships

Congratulations to Samantha Jurvich, Maitreyee Marathe, and Zachary Thomas, who were selected as early awardees of the 2021 EAP Student Scholarships. We look forward to their involvement in the Energy Analysis & Policy program at …

Meet EAP Student Emma Heins

Emma Heins is a graduate student in EAP and the La Follette School of Public Affairs, where she is studying environmental policy with a focus in public health outcomes in low income communities. Emma serves as the At-Large Graduate Student Representative on UW–Madison’s Sustainability Advisory Council, helping to shape the future of campus’s advancements on sustainability.