Energy, Fire, and Changing Landscapes – Satellite Applications: Speakers and Sessions

NCAR Mesa Lab – Boulder, Colorado

Thursday – Friday, September 21st – September 22nd, 2023


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Panel 1: Industry Perspectives – All Industry

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Goals: For national public and private industries with a focus on western utilities, focus on current and future needs and concerns: need for new technologies, tools, and skillsets, aging energy infrastructure, increased intensity and frequency of wildfires, what do we need to do to prepare a more resilient power system

Outcomes: Improved understanding of industry practices, needs, and concerns


Brad Pierce, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Wilkins, Howard University


James V. Hillegas-Elting, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
VIRTUAL – Wade Ward, Arizona Public Service (APS)
Duane Highley, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association Inc. (TSGT)
Branden Sudduth, Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)

Panel 2: Community Impacts – Environmental Justice Community

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Goals: Community perspective, Tribal representation.  Address community concerns regarding vulnerability and equity, historical perspectives, current mitigation measures and future opportunities, EJ focused

Outcomes: Improved understanding of community practices, needs, and concerns


Jen Rouda, 7Skyline
Joseph Wilkins, Howard University


Belinda Brown, Lomakasti
Marko Bey, Lomakasti

Panel 3: Observations – All Researchers

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Goals: Federal perspective (panel for NASA/NOAA/DOE program overview), what are the current and future capabilities of satellite based wildfire and smoke detection and characterization

Outcomes: Improved understanding of current and future observational capabilities


Brad Pierce, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Paul Stackhouse, NASA Langley Research Center


Joe Casola, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Chris Schmidt, UW-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)
Ben Gaubert, NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Lab (ACOM)
Jackie Shuman, NASA Ames Research Center

Panel 4: Predictability – Balance Industry and Researchers

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Goals: Discussion of current and future capabilities and gaps in prediction of  fire weather, wildfire emissions, smoke prediction, and wildfire behavior on seasonal and event scales

Outcomes: Understanding of current and future predictive capabilities and how satellite data can be used to improve wildfire and smoke predictability


Tim Juliano, NCAR
Christine Wiedinmyer, University of Colorado-Boulder


Jordan Ambrogi, CORE Electric Cooperative
Ronnie Abolafia-Rosenzweig, NCAR
Eric James, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Jackie Shuman, NASA Ames Research Center
Lilly Jones, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)/Southern California Edison (SCE)

Panel 5: Power Infrastructure – Balance Industry and Researchers

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Goals: Discussion of vulnerability of power infrastructure to wildfire impacts and threats to reliability (power transfers, solar reductions, loss of facilities)

Outcomes: Understanding of power infrastructure vulnerabilities and how satellite data can be used to improve planning activities and future infrastructure decisions


Branden Sudduth, Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)
Mark Lauby, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)


VIRTUAL – Steve Ashbaker, Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)
Tim Beach, California Independent System Operator (ISO)
Ahmed Zamzam, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Curtis Hartenstine, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association Inc. (TSGT)
Noah Rhodes, EAP Student University of Wisconsin-Madison

Panel 6: Mitigation – Balance Industry and Researchers

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Goals: Discussion of current and future approaches to reduce infrastructure vulnerability through system hardening, advanced detection technologies, and equitable emergency load balance strategies (particularly for vulnerable communities)

Outcomes: Understanding of current and future mitigation strategies and how satellite data can support these efforts


Joseph Wilkins, Howard University
Brad Pierce, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Sofia Taylor, EAP Student University of Wisconsin-Madison
VIRTUAL – Cameron McPherson, Southern California Edison (SCE)
VIRTUAL – Ray Fugere, Southern California Edison (SCE)
VIRTUAL – Sandeep Aujla, San Diego Gas and Electric (SDGE)
VIRTUAL – Chris J. Arends, San Diego Gas and Electric (SDGE)
VIRTUAL – Dave Canny, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)

Early Career Flash Talks – Balance Industry and Researchers

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Goals: Provide a forum for early career scientists and engineers to discuss emerging research and industry efforts to develop new tools to manage wildfires and energy infrastructure in a changing climate.

Outcomes: Improved connections between current industry, government, and academic efforts and the next generation of scientists and engineers.


Louisa Emmons, NCAR
Joseph Wilkins, Howard University

5 minute talks, each followed by a Q&A, plus discussion with any remaining time

Kimberley Corwin, Colorado State University
Timothy Juliano, NCAR
Maggie Bruckner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Osinachi Ajoku, Howard University
Elizabeth Wiggins, NASA Langley Research Center
Wenfu Tang, NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Lab (ACOM)
Shima Shams, NCAR Research Applications Lab

Closing Discussion & Audience Feedback

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Summarize key points and invite audience to speak

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